A sincere dedication to truth, justice and kindness can only lead one to view the Zionist project with complete revulsion after learning the facts about what it really is, what it really does, and why our western governments really support it.
Since its founding to the modern day, Israel has been shaped by a “gang state” mentality, marked by unhinged violence and oppression that only deepens its cycle of instability — a history it seems unwilling to escape.
Pourquoi la question palestinienne est-elle si importante ? Dans l’introduction de son remarquable Manuel stratégique de la Palestine et du Moyen-Orient, Saïd Bouamama explique en quoi ce conflit colonial se démarque, le peuple palestinien luttant à la fois contre un État colonisateur pour son indépendance nationale, mais aussi contre l’ensemble du système impérialiste mondiale mené par les États-Unis et qui a fait d’Israël le gendarme du Moyen-Orient.
Israel does not belong in the modern world. It is the child of European colonialism and Europe’s genocidal anti-Semitism, imposed by force and fire and Western guilt on a land already inhabited by an indigenous people.
Israel is a contemporary trespass of that old world’s colonial ethos that justi...
It’s a completely synthetic nation created without any regard for the organic sociopolitical movements of the land and its people, slapped rootless atop an ancient pre-existing civilization with deep roots.
The Grayzone has obtained a dossier detailing the identities of the Zionist hooligans who assaulted UCLA anti-genocide student protesters. It was sent to LA police, but no arrests have been made. And the cops still can’t explain why they disappeared for hours during the mob attack.
So, to be absolutely clear, Israel’s top government official has announced that charges against himself and other Israeli leaders for obvious war crimes like intentionally bombing and starving civilians would be both “antisemitic” and a “hate crime”.
Il y a parfois comme ça des moments de vérité : « Le poisson pourrit par la tête » a ainsi déclaré Gabriel Attal en se jetant sur la dernière fabrication du camp du soutien inconditionnel — c’était à Sciences Po. Miracle d’un propos vrai dans une bouche d’ordinaire très pleine de contrevérités ou...
The widening schism between Israel’s secular and ultra-Orthodox communities impacts not only the state’s military and economic wellbeing, but poses an existential threat to the stability of the entire Zionist project.
Unfortunately, after decades of racist distortions by Zionists and supportive imperial Western states, and given hard-to-avoid reliance upon a dominant and biased Western mainstream media, even consistent supporters of the Palestinian cause sometimes take, as fact, notions which have become generally accepted as “true” (unaware that critical investigation may disprove it).
Aspect :