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Exploitant les moindres recoins de l’espace habité, le colonialisme européen a longtemps plié la majorité de l’humanité aux exigences de conquérants sans scrupules qui ont arrosé d’eau bénite leurs violences et leurs rapines.

Ces empires coloniaux comme entités historiques ont fini par s’effondrer...

Par Alexander Rubinstein
Une publication The Grayzone

The NATO-backed Atlantic Council has proposed apartheid Israel as a blueprint for a hyper-militarized Ukraine. The paper was authored by Obama’s former ambassador to Tel Aviv, now an Israeli spy-tech consultant.

Have you ever noticed how those who shriek the loudest about tyranny in foreign countries are always the same people calling for the censorship and deplatforming of anyone who criticizes the western empire?

This is an existential war. A do or die affair, Pepe Escobar writes.

« Le communiste, qui est internationaliste, peut-il être en même temps patriote ? Nous pensons que non seulement il le peut, mais il le doit. Ce sont les conditions historiques qui déterminent le contenu concret du patriotisme. Il y a notre patriotisme à nous, et il y a le patriotisme des agresseurs...

Par T. J. Coles
Une publication The Grayzone

Britain has played a key role in NATO forward troop deployments and training exercises on Russia’s borders. With war underway, the UK sends billions in arms, special forces, and volunteers to ensure escalation.

Par Evan Reif
Une publication CovertAction Magazine

“I wonder how it came to pass that most of the billionaires in Ukraine are Jews?” (Dmytro Yarosh, former People’s Deputy of Ukraine)

As in a Greek tragedy whose protagonist brings about precisely the fate that he has sought to avoid, the US/NATO confrontation with Russia in Ukraine is achieving just the opposite of America’s aim of preventing China, Russia and their allies from acting independently of U.S. control over their trad...

Par Evan Reif
Une publication CovertAction Magazine

“Terror will be not only a means of self-defense, but also a form of agitation, which will affect friend and foe alike, regardless of whether they desire it or not.” (UVO, Fascist Ukrainian Military Organization, brochure from 1929)

Par T. J. Coles
Une publication The Grayzone

US agencies have directly and indirectly trained and empowered Nazis and ultra-nationalists at home and abroad to fight Russians in Ukraine. This program follows the blueprint established by Western intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and Syria.

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