One way or another the killing in Gaza will end one day. But the forces within us which gave rise to that butchery will live on long after the sounds of the drones and explosions have ceased.
Israel killed hundreds of its own people between 7 and 9 October 2023.
The Electronic Intifada presents a full overview of how Israel killed so many of its own people during the Palestinian “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.”
All the mass media personnel who’ve been lying and manipulating for Israel helped pave the way to this.
A sincere dedication to truth, justice and kindness can only lead one to view the Zionist project with complete revulsion after learning the facts about what it really is, what it really does, and why our western governments really support it.
Since its founding to the modern day, Israel has been shaped by a “gang state” mentality, marked by unhinged violence and oppression that only deepens its cycle of instability — a history it seems unwilling to escape.
Pourquoi la question palestinienne est-elle si importante ? Dans l’introduction de son remarquable Manuel stratégique de la Palestine et du Moyen-Orient, Saïd Bouamama explique en quoi ce conflit colonial se démarque, le peuple palestinien luttant à la fois contre un État colonisateur pour son indépendance nationale, mais aussi contre l’ensemble du système impérialiste mondiale mené par les États-Unis et qui a fait d’Israël le gendarme du Moyen-Orient.
Blocking multiple diplomatic opportunities, the US and Israel threaten new regional escalation.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress was everything you’d expect: packed full of lies and propaganda spin, yet simultaneously very illuminating and revealing.
The agreement follows a Knesset decision totally rejecting Palestinian statehood, and comes as ceasefire efforts remain stalled due to Israel’s position on continuing the war
Une semaine après le second tour des législatives, la situation politique hexagonale coince à tous les étages. D’un côté, pas de gouvernement, pas de Premier ministre, un Nouveau Front populaire (NFP) victorieux en nombre de sièges, mais qui s’écharpe sur le leadership gouvernemental. De l’autre, le président Macron, serial looser démonétisé, qui tente de bricoler un hypothétique exécutif à sa botte… Pour y voir clair : entretien avec Bruno Guigue, analyste politique et auteur d’une dizaine d’ouvrages liés aux enjeux de politique internationale.
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